Raise your hand if you are growing your biz, working with clients 1:1 & are absolutely 'head over heals about the 'thing you do'

And now, you're ready to launch your online course, Woohooo!!


I'm Roshara

your launch mentor

I take away the overwhelm & frustration off your ultra-long to-do lists with no clue where to start.

I save you from wrecking your brain trying to create content, to post seventeen million times- across five different platforms before launch ‘doors’ close.

And keep you from wasting  time, money & energy going round in circles trying strategies based on guesswork. 

Instead, I'll show you simple, powerful 100% customizable strategies to sell out your course launch, working half the time you otherwise would.

Roshara Dassanayake
(your launch mentor)

“I was low key dreading my launch, but Roshara gave me a clear Roadmap and now I’m excited to see results. 

She took me from overwhelm & confusion to complete clarity on my launch strategy.”

You’ve already built a business doing what you love.

Now, you want to help even more people with your unique gifts

And so you’ve built an online course.

You’ve poured your heart into creating it, you already know your future students are in for a treat.

And your previous clients can vouch for the wonderful transformation your work has brought them.

You want a PROFITABLE launch. Not a "trial version" of one.

you need a tailored launch strategy & a clear action plan to bring it to life

Right now, your marketing is based on a lot of guesswork and free advice you picked up online.

It feels like the “dots of your marketing” are all over the place & you’ve no clue how to connect them together. 

And you keep doing cycle sprints in your mind, trying to figure out how to get more people to sign up for your launch AND actually buy your course or coaching program.

You've already launched your course before. This time, you want to go bigger.

but, without the overwhelm...

this time you want to go all in with social media ads for your launch

The thing is, you’ve tried social media Ads before.

And they either brought you likes & comments instead of hot leads & sales

OR turned out to be wayy more expensive than you anticipated.

My bet is, both of the above. 

But you know, when done right, social media ads can amplify your sales & connects you with people who are the ‘perfect fit’ for your course.

-A.K.A, The dream students for whom you created it for, in the first place.

“After talking to Roshara, I was surprised it was so simple. 

Immediately I was excited to implement what we discussed and confident of the action plan. 

And now, I’m very clear of my launch strategy & the trajectory of my ad campaigns.”


I want To be clear & confident of my launch strategy aND the action plan needed to bring it to life



Get your custom launch strategy & step-by-step action plan to sell out your course launch, in just 90 mins.

"I was low key dreading my launch, but Roshara gave me a clear Roadmap and now I'm excited to see results. 

She took me from overwhelm & confusion to complete clarity on my launch strategy."

Transformational Coach & Author

I want To have a profitable course launch without the overwhelm or stress


Your own personal launch strategist for on-going direction & support with all things strategy & marketing when it comes to launching your online course, over and over again!

"Now I can focus on the task at hand, instead of grasping at straws and hoping I get things right.

The relief I have knowing I have a solid plan is priceless.."

Stylist & Hair Educator

I want To hire you to do my facebook & instagram ads OR Manage my launch a-z


Complete done for your ads management for your launch.
Plus, your own personal launch strategist for on-going direction & support with all things strategy & marketing, when it comes to launching your online course.

"I love how Roshara takes my Vision and turns it into a clear marketing strategy.

Even Though I’m someone who is already very familiar with FB ads,

I liked the tailored ad strategies Roshara created for me that focus on both my new and re-targeted audiences."

Serial Entrepreneur & The Work From Home Advisor

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